dimanche 15 octobre 2023

🎵 Selvi Beats - Stronger

💡HOW ? 🔽 📋 Licence : https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ➡️ Message from the composer: "You must also credit (Prod. Selvi) in the title of the song." "If you want to buy this beat in clean format contact me on instagram/email" ♾️ The links: - For Music (🎵) = COPY & PASTE [---] - For Video (🎥) = COPY & PASTE [~~~] - For Music & Video (🎵) & (🎥) = COPY & PASTE [---] & [~~~] ✔️ Download: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/xch5vbay2jq04eo3j71su/h?rlkey=m26j17h6144uqjasc28t1fffx&dl=0 --- 🎵 MUSIC 🤴 Selvi Beats: 📌 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyK4mqCda2RIHj1rF7C3O1Q/videos 📌 Beat Stars: https://www.beatstars.com/trapallvi/tracks 📌 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@selvibeats 📌 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/selvibeats 📌 Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/selverbajrami7 📧 Email: selvibeats.info@gmail.com --- ~~~ 🎥 VIDEO eDiting 🤴 Laurent Guidali 📌 https://www.LaurentGuidali.Com 📌 https://www.Etoile.app ~~~ ~~~ 🎥 VIDEOS 🤴 Mikhail Nilov 🤴 Kelly 🤴 Alena Darmel 🤴 cottonbro studio 🤴 Yan Krukau 🤴 Greg Benson 🤴 George Morina 🤴 Thirdman 🤴 Grind.com 4K videos 🤴 Erik Mclean 🤴 RDNE Stock project 🤴 Ricky Esquivel 🤴 Antoni Shkraba 🤴 StefWithAnF 🤴 Engin Akyurt 🤴 Stacey Koenitz R 🤴 PENGFEI WU 🤴 Ivan Samkov 🤴 EKATERINA BOLOVTSOVA 🤴 KoolShooters 🤴 JACK AND GOD IS GRACIOUS 🤴 Luciano Vilela 🤴 MART PRODUCTION 🤴 Olam Musicali 🤴 ArtHouse Studio 🤴 Forjunk Place 🤴 Keserü Tamás 🤴 SHVETS production 🤴 Kevin Malik ~~~ 🎼Music promoted by eMotion : 📼 Video Link : https://youtu.be/VOu1rXXcgIo 📋WHAT ? 🔽 🌟Selvi Beats - Stronger 💫House Music/Electronic Music/Instrumental Music World 🌌Creative Common Music ✨Music Universe (🎵) 📝Type : 🎵Music (🔊 Instrumental) 👨‍💻 Electronic 🌆 Hip Hop 🍸 Chill House 💓 Beat ⚡ House 🌅 Summer 🎺 Musical Instruments : 🎹 Synthesizer 🥁 Percussion 🥁 Drum kit 🔊Language : 🗺️ International (🇬🇧 description in English, but comprehensible by the whole world) 🕵WHO ? 🔽 🎵 Music Composed by Selvi Beats 📡 Posted by Laurent Guidali 📼 Video made by Laurent Guidali 🌅 Thumbnail by Laurent Guidali (Adobe Photoshop 2020) 📍WHERE ? 🔽 🇺🇸 United States of America [Music] 🇫🇷 France [Video eDiting] 🕓WHEN ? 🔽 🎆 2020 [Music] 🎆 2023 [Video eDiting] 💌 Contact : emotionetoilecontact@gmail.com 🔖 React with official Hashtags : #Etoile #ETL #eMotion

jeudi 12 octobre 2023

🎵 2Pac - Better Dayz [🌀 Remix: EOLO]

Better days hey, better days Got me thinkin' 'bout better days Better days, better days, better days Hey, better days, got me thinkin' 'bout better days Time to question our lifestyle, look how we live Smokin' weed like it ain't no thang, so even kids wanna try now They lie down and get ran through Nobody watches 'em clockin' the evil man do Faced with the demons, addicted to hearin' victims screamin Guess we was evil since birth, product of cursed semens Cause even our birthdays is cursed days A born thug in the first place, the worst ways I'd love to see the block in peace With no more dealers and crooked cops, the only way to stop the beast And only we can change It's up to us to clean up the streets, it ain't the same Too many murders, too many funerals and too many tears Just seen another brother buried plus I knew him for years Passed by his family but what could I say? Keep yo' head up and try to keep the faith and pray for better days Better days, better days, hey Better days, got me thinkin' 'bout better days Better days, better days, better days Hey, better days, got me thinkin' 'bout better days Thinkin' back as an adolescent, who would've guessed That in my future years, I'd be stressin Some say the ghetto's sick and corrupted Plus my P.O. won't let me hang with the brothers I grew up with Tryin' to keep my head up and stay strong All my homies slangin' hello all day long but they wrong So I'm solo and so broke Savin' up for some Jordan's cause they dope I got a girl and I love her but she broke too and so am I I can't take her to the place she wanna go to So we argue and play fight, all day and night Makin' passionate love 'til the daylight Plus we about to get evicted, can't pay the rent Guess it's time to see who really is yo' friend Tell me you pregnant and I'm amazed So many blessings while we stressin', lookin' for them better days Better days, better days, hey Thinkin' 'bout better days Better days, better days, better days Hey, better days, got me thinkin' 'bout better days Now me and you was real cool, hell on them square fools Since back in high school, we was true, me and you Hardly parted or separated, we stayed faded Affiliated with gang bangers and still made it Up in the gym, mess with me, gotta mess with him Still dressin' like grown men when rollin' I went to dark, smokin' Newports, gamin' marks Got a place in my heart, homey stay smart Locked you up in the pen and gave you three to ten I send you letters with naked flicks of old friends Hopin' you well, I know it's hell Doin' time in the cells, you need mail, when you in jail And me I'm doin' cool I settled down, had a family, workin' in night school Every once in a while, I reminisce And wonder how we ever came to this, I miss the better days Better days, better days, hey I'm thinkin' bout better days Better days, better days, better days Hey, better days, got me thinkin' 'bout better days I send this one out, to all the homeboys down in Clinton lock down Rikers Island, all them dudes I was locked up with E block, F block, lower H, N-I-C in Rikers Island, downstate All the peoples I met along the way Better days is comin' homeboy, keep your head up Better days, better days, better days Hey, better days, lookin' for the better days Better days, better days, lookin' for the better days, hey 💡HOW ? 🔽 ©️ Music not free to use ✔️ DOWNLOAD (eMotion): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/l8ps6bm08qpk3h6aakurp/h?rlkey=0bku90iurfzk3ptaa0mfzh135&dl=0 --- 🎵 MUSIC 🤴 Tupac Shakur 📌 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMIdeeBjp_60Jv7ROpRxK6Q 📌 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tupacshakur 📌 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1ZwdS5xdxEREPySFridCfh?si=c0duTQe9TQSyak6sgX9GDQ&nd=1 📌 Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/2pac 📌 Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/artist/2pac/105998 📌 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2pac 📌 Twitter: https://twitter.com/2PAC 📌 Website: https://www.2pac.com 🤴 SlowSunsetVibes (🌀 Remix) 📌 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@SlowSunsetVibes --- ~~~ 🎥 VIDEO 🤴 Laurent Guidali 📌 Website: https://www.laurentguidali.com ⭐ https://Www.Etoile.app 🤴 PEANUT:ART (Animation) 📌 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@peanutartt ~~~ 🎼Music eMotion: 📼Video Link : https://youtu.be/F2Qz49nO7SQ 📋WHAT ? 🔽 🌟2Pac - Better Dayz [🌀 Remix: EOLO] 💫Hip Hop World 🌌Music ✨Music Universe (🎵) 📝Type : 🎵Music (🎤 Sing) 😥 eMotion Sad 💓 Beat 🇺🇸 Music of the United States 🌆 Hip Hop 🌬️ Airy 🍸 Chill/Cool 🎺 Musical Instruments : 🥁 Percussion🥁 Drum Kit 🎸 Bass 🎹 Synthesizer 🔊Language : 🇬🇧 English 🕵WHO ? 🔽 🎵 Music by 2pac 📀 Album: Better Dayz 🌅 Thumbnail by Laurent Guidali 📍WHERE ? 🔽 🇺🇸 USA [Music] 🇫🇷 France [Video] 🕓WHEN ? 🔽 🎆 2002 [Music Original] "Better Dayz" by Tupac Shakur was released on November 26, 2002. Tupac Shakur passed away in 1996, but many previously unreleased and pre-recorded works were released after his death. 🎆 2020 [Music Remix] 🎆 2023 [Video] 🔖 React with official Hashtags : #Etoile #ETL #eMotion

🎵 Towerz & Edelwize - To Fall

🎵 Towerz & Edelwize - To Fall 💡 HOW ? 🔽 ©️ How to use Music ?: https://form.lofigirl.com/CommercialLicense ©️ How to use Video ?: ...