dimanche 2 janvier 2022

🎵 Steezy Prime - Youth

📻 Playlist of all eMotion music licensed under Creative Common : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofvRniDxyvU&list=PLpNOq2dpOWyOqeTx3JREz4ciNmE3OPyyG&index=1&ab_channel=eMotion 💡HOW ? 🔽 ©️ How to use: https://lofirecords.com/pages/use-the-music ♾️ The links : - For Music (🎵) = COPY & PASTE [---] - For Video (🎥) = COPY & PASTE [~~~] - For Music & Video (🎵) & (🎥) = COPY & PASTE [---] & [~~~] ✔️ Download Music (Lofi Records): https://lofirecords.com/blogs/releases/beyond-the-pines ✔️ Download Video (Etoile): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/m6zbl78y2r9ej1n/AADoMfoCFB5k-yXd6mI9ex4aa?dl=0 --- 🎵 MUSIC: 🤴 Steezy Prime 📌 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM58uwWBcmkSYiK-nkaFreg 📌 Youtube Music: https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCM58uwWBcmkSYiK-nkaFreg 📌 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4ApyJoQGYHAcMtJEvK5tRx?autoplay=true 📌 Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/fr/artist/steezy-prime/1087013636 📌 Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/fr/artist/9907574?autoplay=true 📌 Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/PRIME 📌 Twitter: https://twitter.com/steezyprime 📌 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steezy_prime --- ~~~ 🎥 VIDEO EDITING: 🤴 Laurent Guidali ⭐ https://Www.Etoile.App ~~~ ~~~ 🎥 VIDEOS: 🤴 Chayka1270 🤴 Elfin Fox 🤴 Alex Kopeykin 🤴 Nicky Pe 🤴 Engin Akyurt 🤴 Isakarakus 🤴 Kathanhero 🤴 Nassimohmd 🤴 Klimkin 🤴 Ubert 🤴 Vimeo Free Videos 🤴 that very Sikunov 🤴 Inspired Images 🤴 Cirmula 🤴 Tha bis foto welt 🤴 Images In Motion 🤴 Life Of Vids 🤴 Coverr Free Footage 🤴 Bassman 5420 🤴 Dany Dory 🤴 Ryasnyanskiy 🤴 Fajarbudi86 🤴 Mellewol 🤴 FnB TV 🤴 Alexas Fotos 🤴 Alex Kopeykin 🤴 Tommy Video 🤴 Zhushenje 🤴 Green Pedia ~~~ 🎼Music promoted by eMotion: 📼Video Link : https://youtu.be/TXHC7dO892A 📋WHAT ? 🔽 🌟Steezy Prime - Youth 💫Lo Fi/Serenity Vibes Music World 🌌Creative Common Music [181] ✨Music Universe (🎵) 📝Type : 🎵Music (🔊 Instrumental) 🍸 Chill/Cool 🐨 Calm 🔧 Lo-fi 🌬️ Airy 💓 Beat 🏕️ Ambient 🎺 Musical Instruments : 🥁 Percussion 🎹 Synthesizer 🎋 Rainstick 🥁 Drum Kit 🎻 String 🔊Language : 🗺️ International (🇬🇧 description in English) 🕵WHO ? 🔽 🎵Music by Steezy Prime 📡Posted by Laurent Guidali 🎥 Video by Laurent Guidali (Adobe Premiere Pro 2020) 🌅 Thumbnail by Laurent Guidali (Adobe Photoshop 2020) ℹ️ Label Worx Limited (beyond the pines) ℹ️ Producer: Daniel Goldfarb ℹ️ Producer: Corey Blevins ℹ️ Composer: Daniel Goldfarb ℹ️ Composer: Corey Blevins ℹ️ Music Publisher: Lofi Publishing 📍WHERE ? 🔽 🇺🇸 United States of America [Music] 🇫🇷 France [Video Montage] 🏴 Lots of different places [Location Videos] 🕓WHEN ? 🔽 🎆 2021-06-11 [Music] 🎆 2022 [Video] 💌 Contact : emotionetoilecontact@gmail.com 🔖 React with official Hashtags : #Etoile #ETL #eMotion

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🎵 Towerz & Edelwize - To Fall 💡 HOW ? 🔽 ©️ How to use Music ?: https://form.lofigirl.com/CommercialLicense ©️ How to use Video ?: ...