🎵 Gary Ferrão - Clair de Lune (Claude Debussy) [Street Piano]
💡HOW ? 🔽
🎥 Original Video: https://youtu.be/HegKAMpM6kA
📋 Licence Video: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode
📋 Licence Music: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
ℹ️ The sound is a little degraded because it was captured from a smartphone.
♾️ The links :
- For Music (🎵) = COPY & PASTE [---]
- For Video (🎥) = COPY & PASTE [~~~]
- For Music & Video (🎵) & (🎥) = COPY & PASTE [---] & [~~~]
✔️ DOWNLOAD: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/o7zbha1h6hkq9qb/AAALH-fXQOvSFafXdJsK9wuMa?dl=0
~~~ 🎥 VIDEO EDITING (eMotion) :
🤴 Laurent Guidali
⭐ https://Www.Etoile.App
~~~ --- 🎥 VIDEO 🎵 MUSIC :
🤴 Gary Ferrão
📌 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/GaryFerrao/featured
🤴 Claude Debussy
📌 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDBe28OI2PycHdECfoaIWtA
~~~ ---
🎼Music promoted by eMotion :
📼Video Link : https://youtu.be/RU0MQYFcG3M
📋WHAT ? 🔽
🌟Gary Ferrão - Clair de Lune (Claude Debussy)
💫Classical/Piano/Debussy/Romantic/Impressionist Music World
🌌Music [Creative Common]
✨Music Universe (🎵)
📝Type : 🎵Music (🔊 Instrumental)
🐨 Calm ⭐ European Music 🎻 Classical Music 🌐 World Music 🎎 Folk 🇫🇷 French Music 🏕️ Ambient 💑 Romantic
🎺 Musical Instruments : 🎹 Piano
🔊Language : 🗺️ International (🇬🇧 description in English)
🕵WHO ? 🔽
🎵Music Composed by Claude Debussy
🎵Music Play by Gary Ferrão
📡Posted by Laurent Guidali
🎥 Video by Gary Ferrão
🎥 Video [Modification] by Laurent Guidali (eMotion Version)
🌅 Thumbnail by Laurent Guidali
📍WHERE ? 🔽
🇫🇷 France [Music Composition]
🏴 ? [Music Play]
🏴 ? [Original Video]
🇫🇷 France [Video Montage eMotion]
🇯🇵 Japan (新函館北斗駅) [Location]
🕓WHEN ? 🔽
🎆 1890 [Composition Music]
🎆 2021 [Play]
🎆 2022 [Video eMotion]
🎆 2021 [Original Video]
💌 Contact : emotionetoilecontact@gmail.com
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