💃🏻 JHIJHIYA BHAVA | Folk Dance of Mithila (Ghar Ghar k Lokgeet) 🇮🇳
🗣️ DEV:
"Folk dance of our Mithila. Which people celebrate with great pomp in Durga Puja. This is a very special thing of our Mithila.
Jhijhiya Bhava Dance, a traditional folk song of Mithila"
🕺 Discover all the eMotion dance videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3GjzzIFQHc&list=PLpNOq2dpOWyOQHAtU9bjB19Sqbazff_WS&ab_channel=eMotion
💡HOW ? 🔽
📋 (VIDEO ORIGINAL: https://youtu.be/YKSp1Ztp43A)
ℹ️ This Video is Creative Common (Dance)[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode]
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- For Music (🎵) = COPY & PASTE [---]
- For Video (🎥) = COPY & PASTE [~~~]
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ℹ️ Colorimetric and contrast changes, as well as logo additions were made on the original video.
✔️ DOWNLOAD: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f7wruo1enj699al/AABkpkwtdsglbpR-IUkwN0Raa?dl=0
~~~ 🎥 VIDEO
📌 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@dev1196/featured
💃🏻 Dance promoted by eMotion :
📼Video Link: https://youtu.be/LdHwJl2F-3E
📋WHAT ? 🔽
🌟 JHIJHIYA | Folk Dance of Mithila
💫 Dance/Indian Music/Asian Dance/Asian Music/Indian Folk World
🌌Creative Common Dance
✨Dance & Music Universe (💃🏻)(🎵) 💃🏻 Dance (Creative Common) 🎵 Music 🎤 Sing
📝Type : 🛕 Hinduism Music 🛕 Hinduism Dance ⭐ Asian Dance 🇮🇳 Indian Dance 💓 Beat 🎎 Folk 🌐 World Music ⛪ Religious Music 🕺🏻 Dance Music ⭐ Asian Music 🇮🇳 Indian Music
🎺 Musical Instruments : 🎺 Flute 🥁 Percussion 🥁 Glockenspiel
🔊Language : 🇳🇵 Maithili (India/Nepal) (🇬🇧 Description in English)
🕵WHO ? 🔽
🎵 Music by Poonam Mishra
📡 Posted by DEV
📡 Reposted by Laurent Guidali
🌅 Thumbnail by Laurent Guidali
🎞️ Video by DEV
. Director by Dev
. eDiting & Camera - rj photographer
💃🏻 Dance by "Rohini,Roshani,Shreya,Mansi,Palak"
. Choreography by Rohini
📍WHERE ? 🔽
🇫🇷 France [eMotion Video]
🇮🇳 India [Video]
🇮🇳 India (Mithila) [Location]
🇮🇳 India [Dance]
🕓WHEN ? 🔽
🎆 ? [Music]
🎆 2022 [Video]
🎆 2022 [Video eMotion]
💌 Contact : emotionetoilecontact@gmail.com
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