馃搥 Dontcry & Bcalm - Times we had [Full Album]
馃幍 Dontcry & Bcalm - Shimmer [0:00]
馃幍 Dontcry & Bcalm - Bloom [2:39]
馃幍 Dontcry & Bcalm - Nightwatch [4:49]
馃幍 Dontcry & Bcalm - Adrift [7:27]
馃幍 Dontcry & Bcalm - Searching [9:57]
馃幍 Dontcry & Bcalm - Raindrops [11:53]
馃幍 Dontcry & Bcalm - Passage [14:19]
馃幍 Dontcry & Bcalm - Night and day [16:30]
馃挕HOW ? 馃斀
©️ How to use Music ?: https://lofirecords.com/pages/use-the-music
©️ How to use Video ?: This video is free to use (https://www.etoile.app/Licenses/public-domain-mark)
♾️ The links :
- For Music (馃幍) = COPY & PASTE [---]
- For Video (馃帴) = COPY & PASTE [~~~]
- For Music & Video (馃幍) & (馃帴) = COPY & PASTE [---] & [~~~]
✔️ DOWNLOAD Video (eMotion): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/2wt1o7o58ltenz8dq09jp/AAgzY7yO5Bz5iidA1pM4R-0?rlkey=4ef69tdgn5mj7pyjpju53vcpc&st=00634r2a&dl=0
--- 馃幍 MUSIC:
馃ご Dontcry
馃搶 Lofi Girl: https://lofigirl.com/artists/dontcry
馃搶 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3vzJueN7TkCtYpz1myVmDU
馃搶 Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/artist/dontcry/1457516217
馃搶 Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dontcrybby
馃ご Bcalm
馃搶 Lofi Girl: https://lofigirl.com/artists/Bcalm
馃搶 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7M4y7qvcYja7RcXNCGrjeP
馃搶 Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/bcalm-sc
馃搶 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bcalm.beats
馃搶 Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/artist/bcalm/1482840192
馃ご Laurent Guidali
⭐ https://Www.Etoile.App
~~~ 馃帴 VIDEOS:
馃帪️ A Star Is Born (1937)
馃搶 Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Star_Is_Born_(1937_film)
馃幖Music promoted by eMotion:
馃摷Video Link : https://youtu.be/OkzhemiGjWg
馃搵WHAT ? 馃斀
馃専Dontcry & Bcalm - Times we had [Full Album]
馃挮Lo Fi/Beat Vibes Music/Album World
馃寣Creative Common Music
✨Music Universe (馃幍)
馃搥 Album: Times we had
馃摑Type : 馃幍Music (馃攰 Instrumental)
馃寙 Hip Hop 馃敡 Lofi 馃挀 Beat 馃嵏 Chill/Cool 馃惃 Calm 馃拺 Romantic
馃幒 Musical Instruments : 馃幑 Synthesizer 馃 Drum Kit 馃 Percussion 馃 Glockenspiel 馃幑 Piano
馃攰Language : 馃椇️ International (馃嚞馃嚙 description in English)
馃暤WHO ? 馃斀
馃摗Posted by Laurent Guidali
馃帴 Video eMotion by Laurent Guidali
馃寘 Thumbnail by Laurent Guidali
馃搷WHERE ? 馃斀
馃嚦馃嚤 Netherlands
馃嚞馃嚙 United Kingdom
[Video Montage eMotion]
馃嚝馃嚪 France
馃晸WHEN ? 馃斀
馃巻 2023 [Music]
馃巻 2024 [Video]
馃巻 1937 [Movie]
馃拰 Contact : emotionetoilecontact@gmail.com
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